Laura A. Bethuy

Month: July 2012

How long Lord?

Dear Father, My friends cry out with their consuming pain. I am helpless to cure them but my voice joins in their pleas . Their pain seeps past their bones burrowing deep reaching for their very souls.  It nearly devours them but then Your Word swoops in to chase away their doubt. Your promises keep their hearts safe within… Read More ›

Book Review: Submerged by Dani Pettrey

From a plane crash to murder, deep-sea diving to dune buggy racing, and betrayal to forgiveness this romantic suspense keeps you turning the page to it’s satisfying end. In this debut novel, Submerged, author Dani Pettrey’s characters have real life flaws that make you care what happens to them. Here’s excerpt from the back cover: Bailey Craig vowed never to… Read More ›

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John Mark Hicks

A Disciple Seeking to Follow Jesus into the World for the Sake of the World to the Glory of God

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